Allow us to introduce you to the future home of Restoration Church Bryan:

We recognize that buildings, although vitally important for a church to gather, do not constitute God’s church. God’s church is His people - those who are called, saved and transformed by Jesus, and committed to taking the gospel message to the nations. A building is not our vision. Our vision is to continue to grow as a gospel-centered church, devoted to discipleship and diversity. However, it is readily apparent that we are out of space at the Ice House and in desperate need of a place to expand and thrive as a local church.
How do I give?
Our hope is to create a number of avenues for folks to give toward the Bryan & Beyond Initiative. You can give online or in person at our weekly gathering. Here are online giving links so you can set up biweekly or monthly giving, similar to your tithes and offerings, or, you can make a one-time gift.