Beginning August 21st we will be back to TWO services. Join us at 9:30 or 11:11!


The book of Acts reveals a biblical community of sacrificial givers.

Followers of Jesus gathered in large crowds for open-air teaching and worship. They also gathered regularly in homes devoting themselves to God’s Word, prayer, fellowship, and sharing meals with one another.


The early church sacrificially shared their lives and their goods with one another in response to the gospel grace of Jesus. No, it wasn’t some sort of compulsory Christian communism—their giving overflowed from a heart transformation effected by the sacrifice of their Savior!

At Restoration, when we call our local church to give, we don’t hold up any other standard than the standard of Jesus. Though Jesus existed as God, he emptied himself and humbly took the form of a servant, pouring out His life for others (Philippians 2:5-8). God gave first, and he gave it all.

At Restoration, we call the church to GRACE GIVING.

We see the Old Testament “tithe” as a good jumping-off point and starting block, but we believe that grace abounds and exceeds the Law! Furthermore, we believe that Christians should flee from the idols of culture and intentionally build margin into their lives. Christians must build time margin, resource margin, and financial margin—enabling them to sacrificially give, starting with the immediate needs of their local church and community.

Every dollar given to Restoration goes to this end, to meet the needs of our church body and the community around us. 





Cash and checks made payable to
Restoration Church Bryan can be mailed to:

Restoration Church Bryan
501 West 31st St, Bryan, TX 77803

Generosity is a central part of our worship, so we maintain the practice of passing the plate on Sundays in an effort to connect the act of communal giving to our corporate life and rhythms. You may give physically or virtually during our offering time in service.