Jonathan Brooks
Lead Pastor/Elder
Jonathan and his wife, Stephani, come from Angleton, Texas where they met as kids in their home church. After graduating from Texas A&M, they got married in 2004. The Lord has blessed their family with four incredible boys and a beautiful little girl. The Brooks have a passion for discipling families and helping others grow in their love for and walk with Jesus.
Jonathan and Stephani moved to Bryan in the Fall of 2013 to plant Restoration Church Bryan. The vision had been birthed in North Houston to build a diverse church devoted to relational discipleship in the heart of Downtown Bryan. Jonathan's primary roles at Restoration are preaching, leadership development, discipleship, outreach and keeping the vision in front of the church.
Jonathan and Stephani moved to Bryan in the Fall of 2013 to plant Restoration Church Bryan. The vision had been birthed in North Houston to build a diverse church devoted to relational discipleship in the heart of Downtown Bryan. Jonathan's primary roles at Restoration are preaching, leadership development, discipleship, outreach and keeping the vision in front of the church.
Ministry Staff

Executive Pastor, Ministry and Church Planting
Matt and Cammy have been married since 2008 and have five children (four boys, and one girl), on their family farm. They are passionate about discipleship, and they love to teach others about the Gospel through how they steward the land and animals that God has entrusted them with on their property.
Matt and Cammy Prine moved to Bryan/College Station in April of 2018 and joined Restoration Church Bryan shortly after. Matt has served in pastoral roles in two churches before coming to Restoration, and loves the local church. Matt became an elder at Restoration in 2019, joined the Restoration staff in 2021, and became the full time Executive Pastor of Ministry and Church Planting in 2023. His primary roles are overseeing ministry teams and staff, as well as overseeing the church planting initiatives.
Matt and Cammy Prine moved to Bryan/College Station in April of 2018 and joined Restoration Church Bryan shortly after. Matt has served in pastoral roles in two churches before coming to Restoration, and loves the local church. Matt became an elder at Restoration in 2019, joined the Restoration staff in 2021, and became the full time Executive Pastor of Ministry and Church Planting in 2023. His primary roles are overseeing ministry teams and staff, as well as overseeing the church planting initiatives.

Worship Minister
Grayson officially joined the RCB staff in October of 2023 and has a heart for seeing God’s people step into worship. He attended Restoration throughout his time as a student at Texas A&M, serving as a volunteer on worship team and diving head-first into what God is doing in Bryan/College Station. Grayson and his beautiful wife, Lily Mae, married in 2022, and they enjoy their life of serving at RCB together.

Restoration Kids Minister - Thursday Environment (Refuge)
Tori came on board as the Children's Coordinator in August 2017 and is thrilled to get to serve the kids and families at Restoration Church Bryan. After graduating from Texas A&M in 2013, Tori taught at Arrow Academy in Bryan for three and a half years, as she has always loved mentoring kids from the Bryan/College Station community. In October 2017, Tori tied the knot with Kaleb Allison, and they now have a sweet daughter, Selah, and son, D.T.

Restoration Kids Minister - Sunday Environment
Haley graduated from Texas A&M in 2013. In January 2014, Haley married her high school sweetheart, Zack, and now they have three kids, Rollie, Davy Jane, and Annie. Haley's heart is for every kid who walks in on Sunday morning to have heard the Gospel, know that they are prayed for, and to see how to study God’s Word. She is passionate about coming alongside parents as they disciple their kids to know and serve Christ all of their days.

College Mens Minister
Ben started attending RCB in 2016 as a sophomore at Texas A&M. He was blessed by the men who invested in him during this pivotal time in his early faith, and is passionate about seeing college students continue to be built up and sent out by the community. Ben married his beautiful wife, Kirsten, in 2019, and joined the RCB staff in September of 2022. Ben and Kirsten had the joy of welcoming their two precious twin girls into the world in 2023!

Youth Minister
Ryan began attending Restoration his freshman year of college and has served our church faithfully ever since. Ryan graduated from Texas A&M in May of 2023, and married his sweet wife, Ava, in December of 2023. Ryan's heart for the youth ministry is to see students grow to look more like Jesus in a relational environment while serving the Lord together.
Operations Staff

Executive Pastor, Operations and Missions
While attending Texas A&M University, Matt began attending Restoration in the very early days of the church. After graduating in 2016, Matt took on a full time role with Restoration. Shortly after, in September 2017, Matt married the love of his life, Hannah. Matt and Hannah care deeply for children in foster care as they regularly open their homes to kids in need. As he continues to thrive in discipleship and missional roles at RCB, Matt's hope is to see men and women raised up as strong disciple makers– some of who may respond to the call to make disciples of the unreached around the world!

HR and Events Coordinator
Lily joined Restoration while she was a student at Texas A&M in 2018. After graduating in May of 2021, Lily joined the staff where she is excited to continue serving alongside the church body to reach those in Bryan, College Station, and beyond. In 2022, Lily Mae married Grayson Casey, and they love getting to serve side by side on our church staff each day!

Facilities & Logistics Coordinator
Jacob moved to Bryan/College Station in 2016, and became a covenant member of Restoration that same year. He has served faithfully with the church in various capacities and joined our staff in 2022. Jacob serves the church by helping with the logistics of events, leading our Road Crew serve team, and helping keep our facilities operating smoothly.

Ministry Logistics and Creative Coordinator
After graduating from Texas A&M in 2022, Wes married his wonderful wife, Alexandra! After interning and participating in RCB's residency program, Wes joined the staff as the Ministry Logistics and Creative Coordinator in 2023. Wes longs to see the church tell the prophetic story of the Kingdom of God in Revelation 7:9, where we see worshippers transformed in Christlikeness and unified to one another. To this end, he desires to see deeply formed disciples of Jesus and multicultural unity in the church.

Administrative Assistant, Operations and Missions
Abby moved to the Bryan/College Station area in 2013 to attend school at Texas A&M, and met her husband, Nathan, her freshman year. In 2017, Abby and Nathan were married, and were thrilled to become members at Restoration in 2018. Abby taught elementary school for six years, and joined our staff as an Administrative Assistant in 2023 after welcoming their son, Samuel, into the world!






Restoration Church Bryan is led by a plurality of elders (1 Timothy 3:1-7/Titus 1:5-9). This group is comprised of both full-time pastoral elders as well as lay elders who serve, shepherd, teach and lead the church in the power of the Spirit, according to Scripture.
Currently, Restoration Church Bryan has four appointed elders:
Jonathan Brooks (appointed Oct. 21 2007 at Northway Baptist Church, Angleton, TX; commissioned to plant Restoration Church Bryan by Christ Community Church of Magnolia July 2013)
Kevin Caffey (appointed Feb. 5, 2017 at Restoration Church Bryan)
Matt Prine (appointed Nov. 10, 2019 at Restoration Church Bryan)
Matt Ullrich (appointed Feb. 25, 2024 at Restoration Church Bryan)
Currently, Restoration Church Bryan has four appointed elders:
Jonathan Brooks (appointed Oct. 21 2007 at Northway Baptist Church, Angleton, TX; commissioned to plant Restoration Church Bryan by Christ Community Church of Magnolia July 2013)
Kevin Caffey (appointed Feb. 5, 2017 at Restoration Church Bryan)
Matt Prine (appointed Nov. 10, 2019 at Restoration Church Bryan)
Matt Ullrich (appointed Feb. 25, 2024 at Restoration Church Bryan)
Kaleb Allison - Deacon over Benevolence
Alexandra Anderson
Kirsten Chubb
Zach Davin
Dawson Deere
Elliott Eccles
Zach Ginnings
Mitch Hartt
Lindsey Hartt
Zack Osborn
Mario Rivera
Kylea Rivera
Rebecca Smith
Cody Schneider
Nathan Wanderski
Alexandra Anderson
Kirsten Chubb
Zach Davin
Dawson Deere
Elliott Eccles
Zach Ginnings
Mitch Hartt
Lindsey Hartt
Zack Osborn
Mario Rivera
Kylea Rivera
Rebecca Smith
Cody Schneider
Nathan Wanderski