Beginning August 21st we will be back to TWO services. Join us at 9:30 or 11:11!

Missional Community Groups

What can you expect at a MCG?

MCG's meet in homes all across Bryan/ College Station. You can expect a safe, relational environment with anywhere from 10-20 people. Expect to dig into Scripture with other Christ-seekers with a focus on life application and character transformation. Expect to pray and to be prayed for. Expect authentic connection with others. Expect to be challenged to serve and minister to others through our "Go" environments.

"And he said to them, 'Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.'"

Matthew 4:19 ESV

What is a MCG?
Missional Community Groups at Restoration Church Bryan are a hub for spiritual growth, fellowship, and service in response to the Gospel. Think of it this way: if the Sunday morning worship service is the “air war” where the people of God gather to worship, hear the preaching of the Word and testimony and to pray as a congregation, the community group is the “ground war” where the people gather to process their faith together, grow with one another in relational environments and mobilize to serve our city. 

What does "success" look like in a missional community setting?

Success takes place when we see the people of Restoration Church Bryan following Jesus, being transformed by Jesus and committing to his mission.
These groups are committed to:
  • Praying for one another
  • Orienting our lives around Scripture
  • Spiritual transformation and renewal
  • Authenticity
  • Bearing one another's burdens
  • Sharing Jesus and serving our community together

Soul Support Groups

A Soul Support Group is a group of 3-4 people (same gender, peer group) within our MCGs, who come alongside one another to intentionally and proactively spur one another on to Bible reading, prayer, confession, worship, and evangelism. These groups don’t exist to work through a spiritual checklist; rather, they exist to regularly check on one another’s souls!