Gospel Equipped Marriage
A Gospel Equipped Marriage is a Christian marriage, ordered according to God’s Word, empowered by the Holy Spirit, focused on God’s mission, saturated with the joy of the Lord. This doesn’t happen accidentally… it takes both the husband and wife being radically committed to loving one another unconditionally. Unfortunately, our culture has cheapened marriage and most of us have been programmed to believe that marriage may be tossed aside when we no longer “feel it.” But this is not how the Lord designed marriage. He designed it to be a covenant that one man and one woman enter together with Him, ended only by physical death.
In Gospel Equipped Marriage (GEM) at Restoration, engaged couples are equipped with the tools necessary to navigate marriage successfully. Our goal through GEM is to help couples establish a firm foundation upon which to build their marriage; to fortify a couple’s relationship by identifying the potential pitfalls that most (if not all) coupes face; and to remind couple of their FIRST love - Jesus who should occupy the highest throne in a believer’s life - not their spouse!
Couples will be paired up with a mentor couple who they will meet with five times over the course of the semester. This mentor couple will walk the engaged couple through the GEM curriculum, covering topics such as Expectations, Roles, Purity, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Community, Finances, and Intimacy. Class participants will read the book, “Tying the Knot” as a part of the class. The cost of the book is included in the registration cost. Engaged couples will also take a pre-marital survey assessing the current health of their relationship and outlining areas of strength and growth. This is designed to help the mentor couple lean into those areas that need growth.
In addition to the meetings with mentor couples, we will host a kickoff dinner and closing dinner for both engaged couples and their mentors to bookend the class. Dinner is provided at these gatherings and there will be a speaker who encourages couples as they pursue a Gospel Equipped Marriage.
Couples will be paired up with a mentor couple who they will meet with five times over the course of the semester. This mentor couple will walk the engaged couple through the GEM curriculum, covering topics such as Expectations, Roles, Purity, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Community, Finances, and Intimacy. Class participants will read the book, “Tying the Knot” as a part of the class. The cost of the book is included in the registration cost. Engaged couples will also take a pre-marital survey assessing the current health of their relationship and outlining areas of strength and growth. This is designed to help the mentor couple lean into those areas that need growth.
In addition to the meetings with mentor couples, we will host a kickoff dinner and closing dinner for both engaged couples and their mentors to bookend the class. Dinner is provided at these gatherings and there will be a speaker who encourages couples as they pursue a Gospel Equipped Marriage.
For class offerings, pricing, and to register:
Real Life Discipleship
Real Life Discipleship is a resource that Restoration has used for many years to train leaders and equip believers with tools to make disciples of Jesus. The book focuses on the ministry of Christ, identifying how he taught His disciples how to follow Him as He was going. We would love for you to join us in our mission as a church to "restore people to God and others" by taking the course this Fall.
The class will consist of 5 in-person sessions and 9 chapters to be completed in your own time. Below are the dates and times for each in-person session, where you will meet with your cohort to discuss the material and how you intend to apply it. All sessions will be on Sundays from 1-2:30 at 501 W 31st Street, Bryan, TX. The chapters covered in person (listed below) must be completed in the workbook before each session:
Session 1: Chapters 1-2 (A Heart to Make Disciples // What is a Disciple?)
Session 2: Chapters 5-6 (How to be an Intentional Leader // A Closer Look at a Relational Environment)
Session 3: Chapters 7-8 (A Closer Look at at the Reproducible Process // Share: Being Intentional with the Spiritually Dead and Spiritual infants)
Session 4: Chapter 9 (Connect: Helping Spiritual Children Grow)
Session 5: Chapters 10-11 (Minister: Helping Young Adults Help Others // Disciple: Being Intentional with Spiritual Parents)
The class costs $20 to register, but you will receive a full rebate (your money back) if you complete the course! Course completion is defined as attending each in-person session and filling out the 9 designated chapters in your personal workbook.
Session 1: Chapters 1-2 (A Heart to Make Disciples // What is a Disciple?)
Session 2: Chapters 5-6 (How to be an Intentional Leader // A Closer Look at a Relational Environment)
Session 3: Chapters 7-8 (A Closer Look at at the Reproducible Process // Share: Being Intentional with the Spiritually Dead and Spiritual infants)
Session 4: Chapter 9 (Connect: Helping Spiritual Children Grow)
Session 5: Chapters 10-11 (Minister: Helping Young Adults Help Others // Disciple: Being Intentional with Spiritual Parents)
The class costs $20 to register, but you will receive a full rebate (your money back) if you complete the course! Course completion is defined as attending each in-person session and filling out the 9 designated chapters in your personal workbook.
Upcoming Class Offerings
Spring 2024
Register by January 21st and come pick up your book by January 23rd at our church offices (501 W 31st Street, Bryan, TX) so that you can complete chapters 1-2 before our first in-person session. Please contact bchubb@restorationbryan.com if you have any questions!
February 2nd: Chapters 1-2 (A Heart to Make Disciples // What is a Disciple?)
February 16th: Chapters 5-6 (How to be an Intentional Leader // A Closer Look at a Relational Environment)
March 2nd: Chapters 7-8 (A Closer Look at at the Reproducible Process // Share: Being Intentional with the Spiritually Dead and Spiritual infants)
March 23rd: Chapter 9 (Connect: Helping Spiritual Children Grow)
April 13th: Chapters 10-11 (Minister: Helping Young Adults Help Others // Disciple: Being Intentional with Spiritual Parents)
February 2nd: Chapters 1-2 (A Heart to Make Disciples // What is a Disciple?)
February 16th: Chapters 5-6 (How to be an Intentional Leader // A Closer Look at a Relational Environment)
March 2nd: Chapters 7-8 (A Closer Look at at the Reproducible Process // Share: Being Intentional with the Spiritually Dead and Spiritual infants)
March 23rd: Chapter 9 (Connect: Helping Spiritual Children Grow)
April 13th: Chapters 10-11 (Minister: Helping Young Adults Help Others // Disciple: Being Intentional with Spiritual Parents)