Beginning August 21st we will be back to TWO services. Join us at 9:30 or 11:11!
Mission is God’s redemptive work in the hearts and minds of His people through the work and person of Jesus Christ by the power of His Holy Spirit. Ultimately, mission is God’s work throughout the world, and He graciously invites His Church to participate in His mission. Therefore Restoration Church Bryan's goal, as a local church body, is to orient our missions to be a direct reflection of God’s mission within the world.

So then, in order to clearly communicate where God has called us to invest, we seek to further define and distinguish missions. We see missions as two parts: local and global. While normally distinct from one another, these two parts blend together at times (i.e. ministering to international students in our local context). For normative purposes Restoration defines the two as such:

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We see local missions as going outside the walls of our building to meet needs and build relationships so that we can make disciples throughout Bryan/College Station.

We see global missions as crossing cultural, religious, ethnic, and geographic barriers to advance the work of making disciples of all nations.

In both local and global missions, we view the local church as the primary means of making and equipping disciples. Only through the church, where people move towards others in discipling relationships, do we expect to find true, holistic restoration.
Ultimately, our goal in both local and global missions is to plant gospel-centered local churches, where discipleship thrives among those of all ages, the lost are reached, and where the people of Christ come together to work toward the physical restoration (health, education, economic, social, etc.) of their area.

Weekly World Prayer

Every Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 AM at 501 West 31st Street.
Jesus commissioned his followers to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). If you  follow Jesus, you are called to participate in this mission. He said, “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).  God has empowered every believer with the amazing ability to call upon the Lord and incite change through the act of prayer – whether you are called to serve cross-culturally or not. It is then our responsibility to pray for the people of the world who do not yet know Jesus and the workers serving in these areas. Jesus encourages his disciples to earnestly ask that the Lord of the harvest would send laborers to His harvest field (Matthew 9:38). Join us Wednesday mornings as we pray for God’s global mission.