Beginning August 21st we will be back to TWO services. Join us at 9:30 or 11:11!

Sunday Serve Teams

Matthew 20:28: "Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

There are many areas of ministry to serve in here at RCB! Though some of our teams may occasionally fill up, the majority are always in need of more servant-hearted members. Read the descriptions of each of our teams below, and click the button below to let us know on our Serve form which team you would like to join! 
Road Crew
Our Road Crew ministry team works together in order to set up and tear down the Ice House for our Sunday morning worship each and every week. While no previous set up or tear down experience is needed, each member of this team is faithfully committed to serving twice a month. Whether it's moving chairs, speakers, tables, or tidying up after our last service, each Road Crew team member is incredibly valuable to Restoration's Sunday morning worship experience.
Restoration Kids Ministry
Restoration Kids exists to disciple children through relationships, teaching them the full counsel of the Word of God; furthermore, our desire is to partner with parents to help families know Christ and grow in Him. If you are interested in serving in Kids, please fill out the form below or email to let us know. Our team serves bi-weekly or monthly during the 8:45 and 10:45am services on Sunday mornings.
Transition Team
The Transition Team exists to ensure that each service on Sunday mornings maintains the same standard of being a welcoming and sanitary environment. The transition team works between our services to straighten and refresh the worship space. Volunteers on this team typically serve about once or twice a month.
Connections Team
The Connections Team takes welcoming people in an extra step by looking for people on Sunday mornings to connect with and help get plugged in here at RCB. These volunteers will arrive early on Sundays with the intention of getting to know new guests and families as well as people who have been attending RCB for a while but haven't been connected to an MCG yet. Requirements to serve include RCB Membership and previous committed MCG involvement for a minimum of 1 semester.
Welcome Team
The Welcome Team exists to greet each person that walks through the doors on Sunday mornings. Even when you are passing out bulletins the goal is to ensure that every person feels welcomed and included as they join us for worship. Volunteers on this team typically serve about once or twice a month.
Hospitality Team
The Hospitality Team exists to be the hands and feet of Jesus to everyone who enters our doors by serving snacks and beverages to folks who attend on Sunday mornings. Volunteers have the opportunity to meet people's physical needs while engaging with them and caring for them like Jesus. Volunteers on this team typically serve twice a month.
Creative Team
Creative team is where you can use your talents in creative arts through photography, videography, graphic design, and storytelling to glorify God and help people visually connect to the Gospel and what God is doing at Restoration. Volunteers on Creative Team serve on a rotation on Sundays, at our events and baptisms, or throughout the week as content creators. A submission and review of your portfolio is required prior to serving, but is not the sole factor in consideration.
Production Team
Our Production Team manages our Sound Board and our Computer in which we use to run our worship services. If you are familiar with Sound Mixing or running ProPresenter, your skills and knowledge would be highly beneficial to our team. However, if you have no experience but are eager to learn a new skill, Production Team would love to have you on their team! As a member of the team, you will service on average once a month, and on your scheduled Sunday to serve you will arrive with Road Crew in order to assist with set-up, and then stick around to run media for our worship services. While Production Team rarely gets noticed when things are going smoothly, they are a critical piece to creating a distraction free worship experience for each member, attender, and guest every Sunday!
Worship Team
We are a Community of worshipers reflecting Christ through music and artistry for the building up of the Church. On Sunday mornings our hope is to inspire The Body to worship along with us. Sunday morning commitments are from 7:15am to 12:00pm as well as your own personal practice time. If you are musically inclined and love to worship Jesus, we'd love for you to apply! Requirements to serve include RCB Membership and MCG involvement as well as filling out an application and auditioning.
Restoration Youth
Restoration Youth Group is for students 7th through 12th Grade. RYG exists in order that students would know and follow Jesus,  students would be transformed by Jesus, students would live on mission for Jesus, and parents would be enabled in the discipleship of their kids. Restoration Youth currently has two ministry environments: Surge on Sundays from 6-7:30pm and a youth missional community group Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 PM.
Prayer Team
D.L. Moody said that “every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure.” The Prayer Team at RCB seeks to be a committed group of kneeling figures. We exist to pursue the Lord daily in prayer, asking Him to move powerfully in and through our church to save those who don’t know Him and to grow those that do. Prayer Team operates currently in two different areas of prayer: Consecration Prayer and Response Time Prayer. Consecration Prayer time happens prior to Sunday services, asking the Lord’s manifest presence to move and to use the time for His purposes. Response Time Prayer takes place at the end of the service for those needing prayer or responding to the gospel (this is only open to members of the church - and by application only). We hope to expand the prayer team further, but need the people who are willing to faithfully serve. Our hope is to see volunteers serving 1-2 times per month.
Safety Team
Our Safety Team exists to provide a safe environment for our members and guests on Sunday mornings. This team is comprised of people who are willing to make themselves available, providing overwatch and responding quickly in the event of any sort of emergency or disturbance. Requirements to serve include active membership of Restoration Church Bryan, completion of a background check, and a willingness to serve and learn. Although not required, CPR/First Aid Training is helpful. Volunteers will be asked to serve one to two times per month.
Restoration Cares
Restoration Cares serves to walk alongside parents and guardians in the BCS area to facilitate holistic restoration of their families through meal preparation, childcare, and furniture delivery. Our meal team makes and delivers meals to families that have been identified in the CarePortal. Our childcare team partners with guardians in need of assistance with babysitting free of charge. Our furniture team delivers essential furniture items such as bed frames/mattresses and tables/chairs. For church members who are interested, we have a connections team that intentionally builds gospel-driven friendships with families (ask for details).
Communication Team
Our Communication Team helps implement our strategic communication strategy by working with the staff to tell the stories of our church. At this time, we are looking for a Communication Intern who would join this team, ideally a college student who is either a communication or marketing major. Click here to find out more and apply!